Saturday, November 30, 2019

Journalists are at the front line of traumatic eve Essays - Ethics

Journalists are at the front line of traumatic events when they happen. Journalism has the most restrictive and the highest standard of ethics of any profession that I know about, but that's not the reputation that it has. The first thing that a journalist should do is be honest and pursue the truth. They aren't many professions that involve honesty and truth being two of the most important components. Honesty is important in a personal sense and pursuit of truth is important in a professional sense. Journalists are supposed to practice our profession in the open. This imposes some burdens on us that other professions do not carry. As journalists, we are supposed to act independently. We cannot be totally independent, because we often work for news organizations that have interests. We try to achieve the maximum good and the minimum harm to society as a whole and that is when it gets tough. It is very difficult to determine the maximum good and the minimum harm at times. In general, the maximum good is maximum disclosure of information, but in some instances that has to be modified and negotiated. We have to think about the people involved and the consequences. There are different factors that should be taken into consideration when reporting on tragedies. In some situations it can be difficult to gather sources depending on the severity of the tragedy and the culture of the community that the tragedy occurred. When I was in sixth grade there was a shooting at an Amish school house that was ten minutes down the road from my school in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The Amish are known for horse and buggies, building furniture and also being some of the most private and modest people in this country. When this tragedy happened they had no interest in speaking to the media and they just wanted to be left alone for the most part. As a journalist situations like this are extremely challenging. You have a duty to the people in the town and local area to let them know what happened and why, so that they feel safe and are aware of what is going on right around them. You also have a duty to be respectful of the culture of the people who were directly affe cted by the tragedy. "Who's whispering in your ear?" The fact that it is a small town also has an influence. The local media were more respectful in terms of privacy than the national media. Sometimes national media can have an idea of a culture and research it, but they may not really know the ins and outs like the local reporters that share the same community. When covering tragedies it is essential that journalists weigh the costs and benefits of key concerns, utility vs. disutility. As the text mentions, all of the decisions we make will are made in a certain amount of uncertainty. In chapter six of the text we discussed values. The values that are important to journalists and the organizations the journalists work for influence the ways in which tragedies are reported. We have to be responsible when we gather and present information in words and pictures. The SPJ Code of Ethics is a great guideline for reporting in a careful, not careless manner. If we are responsible, accountable, transparent and credible this will help us to be able to handle some tough decisions we have to make when reporting tragedies. Thinking about how the decisions we make are going to look helps us to make decisions that can be justified.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Visas H-1B para profesionales y modelos para USA

Visas H-1B para profesionales y modelos para USA Las visas H-1B permiten a profesionales y modelos trabajar en Estados Unidos. Son visados de doble intencià ³n, es decir, para obtenerlo no es necesario probar la intencià ³n de regresar al paà ­s de origen lo que permite ms fcilmente buscar un cambio hacia una tarjeta de residencia (green card) Quià ©nes pueden solicitar la visa H-1B Este tipo de visa beneficia a tres tipos de actividades laborales   Por un lado, los modelos que tengan una trayectoria profesional de reconocido prestigio. Su visa ser una H-1B3.Adems, pueden aplicar los profesionales como arquitectos, mà ©dicos, maestros etc. En otras palabras, cualquier persona con conocimientos especializados y estudios de tà ­tulo universitario o superiores debidamente validados. Si son aprobados, recibirn una H-1B. Dependiendo de los estados, debern obtener una licencia profesional en su actividad para poder trabajar.Por à ºltimo, las personas con un tà ­tulo universitario equivalente al Bachelor ´s Degree pueden obtener una H-1B2 para desarrollar e investigar proyectos coordinados por el Departamento de Defensa. Patrocinio para una visa H-1B El proceso se inicia cuando una empresa est dispuesta a contratar a un extranjero. Entre la documentacià ³n que debe aportar destaca la Aplicacià ³n de Condicià ³n Laboral (LCA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). La finalidad es evitar que extranjeros desempeà ±en trabajos para los que hay estadounidenses o residentes permanentes disponibles. Se aplica ante el Departamento del Trabajo. Para obtener la LCA, el empleador debe comunicar a los representantes de los trabajadores la intencià ³n de contratar a un extranjero. Si no hubiera representante sindical, debe anunciarlo dentro de la empresa. Las compaà ±Ãƒ ­as con ms de 50 trabajadores de los que un 15 por ciento tiene una H-1B deber publicar la existencia de la vacante. Para asegurarse de que la contratacià ³n de un extranjero no es ms barata que la de un ciudadano, la empresa debe garantizar al extranjero un salario y beneficios iguales al que ya paga a empleados similares. La à ºnica excepcià ³n a la certificacià ³n laboral es para la H-1B2. Una vez conseguida la LCA, tiene que enviarse junto con un formulario I-129 al USCIS. Si se aprueba, si la persona que va a recibir la visa se encuentra en el extranjero debe solicitar que se le emita a la Embajada correspondiente. Si se encuentra ya en EU puede comenzar a trabajar, pero la primera vez que salga del paà ­s deber ir a la Embajada estadounidense para tener la visa estampada en su pasaporte. Esto muy importante para poder volver entrar a Estados Unidos. Là ­mite de visas H-1B que se aprueban anualmente Cada aà ±o fiscal, que en Estados Unidos comienza el 1 de octubre de cada aà ±o natural, se conceden hasta un mximo de 65,000 H-1B. Una vez que se emite ese nà ºmero, no se concedern ms hasta el siguiente aà ±o fiscal. No estn limitados por ese cupo anual: 1. Los extranjeros que hayan estudiado una maestrà ­a o un doctorado en una universidad estadounidense. Para ellos hay un cupo adicional por aà ±o fiscal de 20,000 visas anuales. 2. Los profesionales cuyos empleadores sean centros de investigacià ³n sin fin de lucro o universidades.   Para los ciudadanos de ciertos paà ­ses se reserva un nà ºmero de H-1B, como el caso de Chile con 1,400 visas. Cundo aplicar Esta informacià ³n sà ³lo es para los casos de visas sujetas a là ­mites anuales. Por lo tanto no aplica a los contratados por instituciones de educacià ³n o investigacià ³n.   El resto de los solicitantes deben saber que cada cupo anual de visas comienza a emitirse a partir del uno de octubre de cada aà ±o, la solicitud puede ser presentada hasta seis meses antes: el 1 de abril. En los à ºltimos aà ±os,   el nà ºmero de aplicaciones es tan alto que se excede el là ­mite los primeros dà ­as de abril. Cuando asà ­ sucede, se realiza una loterà ­a para ver quà © solicitudes son tramitadas. Quà © empresas pueden patrocinar una visa H-1B Cualquiera que cumpla los requisitos, desde las ms grades a las ms chicas. Y aunque es cierto que la mayorà ­a de esas visas se van al sector tecnolà ³gico, nada impide que se utilicen en otros campos. Por ejemplo, es muy frecuente que tambià ©n se dà © en Educacià ³n y en Sanidad. Para mejor hacerse una idea es recomendable consultar cules son las 100 empresas que ms H-1B patrocinan, para quà © sectores y cul es el salario medio que ofrecen a los patrocinados.   Demora de los trmites para la visa En este artà ­culo se puede aprender a calcular las demoras para todo tipo de trmites migratorios. En el caso de la H-1B, para conocer los tiempos del PERM (DoL por sus siglas en inglà ©s), USICS y, finalmente, consulado. En la actualidad  no se puede solicitar aplicacià ³n exprà ©s de la visa H-1B  por decisià ³n del gobierno del presidente Donald Trump. Vigencia de la visa H-1B La H-1B se otorga por tres aà ±os que se pueden prorrogar hasta un total de seis y para los titulares de una H1-B2 hasta diez. Pero existen excepciones que permiten mantener la visa por ms tiempo: 1. Hasta tres extensiones de un aà ±o o una por tres aà ±os cuando el titular de la visa ha solicitado un cambio de estatus y ha presentado el formulario I-140 antes de cumplir su quinto aà ±o y est pendiente de una respuesta. 2. Una extensià ³n por tres aà ±os si el ajuste de estatus ha sido concedido pero se debe esperar a que haya cupo disponible. La disponibilidad puede tardar varios aà ±os y depende del paà ­s de origen del solicitante y de la categorà ­a por la que pide el cambio de estatus. Coste de la visa H-1B Varà ­a entre $1,000 y $5,000, dependiendo del tipo de empresa que solicita la visa, si se utiliza abogado. Generalmente paga la empresa pero se conocen casos en los que paga el trabajador. Estas son las tarifas promedio de que cobran los abogados de inmigracià ³n. Vida en EU con una H-1B Para conservar la H-1B el titular debe trabajar sà ³lo para el empresario que ha patrocinado su visa. Se pagan impuestos. El rà ©gimen fiscal puede ser complejo ya que se puede tener un estatus fiscal de extranjero residente o de extranjero no residente por lo que es frecuente recurrir a un fiscalista experto. En todas las nà ³minas se deducen cantidades para Medicare y Seguridad Social. Si el extranjero trabaja ms de diez aà ±os en EU tendr derecho a beneficiarse de esos pagos realizados a la Seguridad Social. Si trabaja menos, dependiendo si su paà ­s tiene o no un tratado bilateral con USA, podr contabilizar los aà ±os cotizados aquà ­. El cà ³nyuge y los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os pueden vivir en USA con una visa H-4. Si los nià ±os estn estudiando la primaria o la secundaria es recomendable familiarizarse antes de llegar a Estados Unidos con las particularidades del sistema educativo, para asà ­ tomar la mejor decisià ³n sobre quà © tipo de escuela elegir para los muchachos. Como regla general los esposos con H-4 no pueden trabajar, con dos excepciones que aplican desde mayor de 2015. Por à ºltimo, se deber comunicar al USCIS el cambio de domicilio en los diez dà ­as siguientes a producirse. Cambio de estatus, transfer, dimisià ³n, despido y caducidad Puede solicitarse un cambio de estatus para obtener una tarjeta de residencia permanente. Tambià ©n puede cambiar su visa a otra diferente, como por ejemplo, a una visa de estudiante. Tambià ©n se  puede pedir un transfer a otra empresa, que tiene que ser aprobado. Si el trabajador dimite, su visa pierde vigencia y debe salir del paà ­s. Si es despedido, la empresa debe pagar por los gastos de repatriacià ³n. La salida debe ser inmediata.   A veces no es posible, pero para no arriesgarse a quedarse como indocumentado se recomienda solicitar una visa de visitante y asà ­ se cuenta con hasta un mximo de 120 dà ­as, mientras la nueva visa se tramita, para prepararse para regresar al paà ­s de origen sin perder el estatus de legal. Para mayor informacià ³n consultar este artà ­culo para saber cundo es posible ingresar a Estados Unidos con una visa de esta categorà ­a y cul es el periodo de gracia, una vez que finaliza el empleo. Creacià ³n de una empresa y la H-1B En principio es posible fundar una empresa en USA y que la compaà ±Ãƒ ­a patrocine con una H-1B a su propietario. Sin embargo, debido a las condiciones de la visa, entre otras, el salario alto que se debe de pagar a los patrocinados, es una opcià ³n complicada y en la que siempre conviene contar con el asesoramiento de un buen abogado de inmigracià ³n. De hecho, estas son otras 8  opciones para obtener una visa y fundar una empresa en EEUU. Alternativa a la H-1B para profesionales mexicanos Mexicanos y canadienses pueden aplicar por la visa TN. Estas son las ms de 60 profesiones que permiten calificar. Te puede interesar Estas son las 30  profesiones que tendrn un mayor crecimiento en la demanda de empleo hasta el aà ±o 2022,  Ã‚  segà ºn el Departamento de Trabajo y tambià ©n un comparativo  salarial de 18 profesiones en 8 paà ­ses. Y es que no para todas las profesiones es Estados Unidos el mejor paà ­s para trabajar. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Case study #1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

#1 - Case Study Example Basing on the company’s experience and an interview with one of the workers at the customer service center of Nike Inc, the paper examines the process of customer service within the company. Creation of strong brand equity has over the past four decades become major strengths for the enterprise. The structure and emphasis within the business ensure that the customer get the concept of the idea behind the brand and want to have a connection with the name. After identifying the importance of customer experience, the company is making major steps towards the creation of a competitive advantage. It is believed that seventy percent of purchasing trends and purchasing experiences among customers are a result of clients feeling regarding their treatment. The availability of strong competing brands like Addidas and Puma has led to the realization of the importance of handling customer experience within the company. Since customers are aware of the availability of strong brands competing with Nike, they enjoy the luxury of demanding better services and better treatment while their complaints are being resolved. Because customer brand experience directly correlates with the exper ience enjoyed by the client, ensuring an existence of authentic customer engagements before and after completion of a sale is essential (Frisch, 2009). The approach needs requires a personal commitment with the client throughout the period to ensure any needs or requirements of the client are handled. As Nike company operations involves engaging in direct contact with customers, the company emphasizes on the importance of customer interaction through these processes throughout its retailers worldwide. The organization has consequently created loyalty programs among customers to ensure continuous interactions with customers that in return lead to the development of customer experience. The company’s

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

HRM Overview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

HRM Overview - Essay Example The organizational function that deals with the people ..." (Heathfield, 2007). The purpose of this paper is to describe the extent to which HR practices can effectively modify organisational culture and thereby increase the commitment of employees, and also give an account on various aspects of HR management. HR applies to the workforce managed by any employer. An organisation or a business needs employees. In other words, without employees it becomes highly difficult for an organisation to run. It is also equally important to properly manage these employees in order to achieve optimal efficiency. There are several research conducted over the years of how to manage the workforce properly. If fact it has been proven to be much more difficult the workforce than maintaining the complicated computer systems or many other machines. It has also been proven beyond doubt that a mechanical approach towards workforce has often failed. This is the reason why the application of human resources management focuses mainly on the most sensitive issue of human analysis to find out what really works with employees. One of the major aspects of HR maintenance involves employee recruitment, training and development as a function of human capital management. Human Resource Management has an important role in making sure that employees' abilities are precisely and favourably nurtured to best suite the companies' requirement. Once the training of an employee is completed, it is essential to seeing a worthwhile return on investment come from their contribution to the company. Along with employee training, HR departments also look into the area of recruiting new applicants. The HR departments are in a continuous quest to find the best talent available on the global labour. Human resources departments also look into a variety of other problems faced by the organisations such as labour relations that include the crucial and highly sensitive dialogue between employees and management - the production of job descriptions, the monitoring of worker to worker relation and to design a efficient employee management system, and over an above the compilation of incentive and benefits packages as well as a variety of other vital functions that relate directly to the employee workforce (, 2000). In any organisation, the Human Resources Management (HRM) function remains same and it includes a variety of activities. The most important among the functions is deciding on how many staffs need to be recruited and how to allocate the work to the staff. Besides, recruiting and training the employees, ensuring to bring out the best in each of them, dealing with performance issues, and ensuring standards of the organisation is met and above all management practices conform to various regulations are some of the main functions of HRM (McNamara, 1997). HR Impact on organisational performance and culture Good strategies alone cannot guarantee for long-term success rather many other factors impact organizational performance. Corporate culture is one such important factor is which aids an organization to create a high performance environment. Because culture is so important to the success of a firm, human resource professionals need to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL SPEAKING - PowerPoint Presentation Example The choice that you make about time is what can lead to a wasted job or even lack of determination and drive in our lives. Imagine that you were given a certain sum of money every morning, say $86,400. You are requires to spend this money each day, and not save it for the future. How would you spend it? This is exactly what goes on with our most valuable resource every single day of our lives. Each day we get to spend 86,400 seconds. We can’t save it, nor can we invest it in the future. A time management expert at a conference was to give a speech about her success in business and how time management plays a huge part of business success. She kept the crowd involved they seemed to love her. She was providing tips and chipping in success stories. Suddenly, she realized she had been talking for two hours! She stopped to make an apology to the cagey group and explicated that she had left her watch at home. A voice came from the audience, â€Å"There is a calendar next to you†. (LaMarco, 2010) You can now move on to explaining what time management is, as mentioned in the page above. In addition, include the common symptoms of bad time-management as well as good time-management. You might also include an incident during which time-management proved to be a crucial tool for your success. Next to engage the audience, you can do a two-way interaction, asking them how many of them think they are bad at time-management. In addition, you can also ask them to share stories about time-management if you have extra time. 1. The audience might not be interested in lengthy views about time-management. A lot of theory will bore them out of their head. You need to include anecdotes and jokes throughout the presentation to keep them hooked onto your every word. Moreover, engaging them in the presentation will be beneficial as one-sided communication usually results in less concentration on the part of the audience. 2. Your own

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Borrowings in English Essay Example for Free

Borrowings in English Essay The main period for the introduction of French words into English was after the Norman Conquest of 1066. For the next 300 or so years, the language of the royal court, and therefore of authority, was Norman, a variety of French. The ruling classes spoke what came to be known as Anglo-Norman, while the rest of the population the peasantry carried on speaking English. French quickly became the language of law and government. This carried on until about the end of the 14th century when English reasserted itself as the language of authority. But French had made its mark on English and many of its words remain in use in English today. †¢With the Normans in a position of power for so long in the British Isles it is no surprise that many English words relating to government, law, money, and warfare come from French. Latin loans are classified into the subgroups. †¢Early Latin loans. Those are the words which came into English language through the languages of the Anglo-Saxon tribes. The tribes had been in contact with Roman civilization and had adopted many Latin words denoting objects belonging to that civilization long before the invasion of the Angles, Saxons and Judes into Britain (e.g., cup, kitchen, mill, wine, port). †¢Later Latin borrowings. To this group belong the words which penetrated into English language in the sixth and seventh centuries, when the English people were converted to Christianity (e.g., priest, bishop, nun, and candle). †¢The third period of the Latin borrowings includes words which came into English due to two historical events: the Norman Conquest and the Renaissance. Some came to English language through French but some were borrowed directly from Latin (e.g., major, minor, intelligent, permanent). †¢The latest layer of Latin words. The words of this period are mainly abstract and scientific words (e.g., nylon, molecular, vaccine, phenomenon, and vacuum).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Canada Should Sell Water to America Essay -- Argumentative Essays

Since more than 70% of the Earth is covered with water, one would assume that there is enough water for everyone. However, this statement would be incorrect. Only 3% of that water is considered usable and 2% of the usable water is locked in the polar ice caps. This leaves 1% of that water for the use of humans. Canada possesses a substantial amount of this water, while other countries are less fortunate. One of these countries is the United States of America, the biggest users of water in the world. They are looking for a new source of water and have been hoping Canada can be this new source. The Canadian government should accept the proposal to sell water in bulk to the United States due to the availability, the safety and the economic opportunities it would bring. Water is easily available to Canadians. According to Report Newsmagazine, Canada possesses 20% of the world’s Fresh Water. Report also states that Canada possesses only 0.5% of the world’s population. This means that on a per capita basis, Canada has more water than any other nation. Furthermore, water is a renewable resource, which means that once it is used, it may be used again after the water cycle. Many other materials Canada sells to the United States are not renewable. Dennis Owens, the senior Frontier Centre analyst says, â€Å"Here we are giving non-renewable oil and gas to the U.S., then water falls from the sky and goes into the ocean and we won’t give it to them.† In Newfoundland, Gisbourne Lake has the potential to drain 500,000 cubic meters of water per week. This drainage would only lower the level of the lake one inch and this would naturally be replenished within ten hours. Canada has cut down trees that will take 100 years to grow back a nd sold them. S... ...e-not’ province related to others† Manitoba could now have the potential to become just as industrialized and important as a province such as Ontario. The whole of Canada would benefit economically from water schemes. Selling water to the United States would be possible, safe and would create numerous economic opportunities, which Canada can not afford to pass up. Canada has access to more fresh water than any other country, which the Canadian citizens will not use. Sharing this water with the United States, and getting something back in return, would be safe to the ecology and Canada will still have enough water for themselves. The water will always be waiting there, however the economic opportunity is one that would have to be taken advantage of now. The United States will not wait forever for Canada to make a decision. The Canadian government needs to act now!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Dementia Awareness Essay

1.1 Explain what is meant by the term ‘Dementia’ The word dementia describes a set of symptoms that may include memory loss and difficulties with thinking, problem solving or language. These changes are often small to start with but for someone with dementia they have become severe enough to effect daily life. A person with dementia may also experience changes in their mood or behaviour. 1.2 Describe the key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia. The key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia are Temporal Lobe – Responsible for vision, memory, language, hearing, learning. Frontal Lobe – Responsible for decision making, Problem solving, controlling behaviour and emotions. Parietal Lobe – Responsible for sensory information from the body, also where letters are formed, putting things in order and spatial awareness. Occipital Lobe – Responsible for processing information related to vision. Cerebrum Lobe – This is the biggest part of the brain, Its role is memory, attention, thought and our consciousness, senses and movement. Hippocampus – Responsible for memory forming, organizing, storing and emotions. 1.3 Explain why Depression, Delirium and age related memory impairment may be mistaken for Dementia. Delirium, Dementia and Depression are disorders that are often confused by care-givers as they are complex and patients can be afflicted with more than one of the conditions at the same time. Although often coincidence they are entirely separate conditions. Delirium is an acute but reversible state of confusion occurring in up to 50 percent of older post-surgical patients. Dementia is an irreversible decline of mental abilities which affects 5-10 percent of the population over age 65, with incidence doubling every 5 years after 65. Depression is a mood disorder which affects 16 percent of the population although it is often unrecognised. 2.1 Outline the medical model of dementia The medical model focuses on the impairment as the problem and focuses on a cure, these may be dependency, restriction of choice, disempowering and devaluing individuals. 2.2 Outline the social model of dementia. This is personal centred, focusing on the rights of the individual, in turn empowering the individual, promoting independence, giving choice and looking at what the individual is able to do. 2.3 Explain why dementia should be viewed as a disability. Individuals who have dementia are not aware of requirements for living. They can forget to do the essential things that are vital. Taking medicines, hygiene and even eating are often forgotten. They can get lost or hurt and not understand what is necessary to correct a situation. Individuals cannot act in the manner of a responsible adult which is why dementia should be viewed as a disability. 3.1 List the most common causes of dementia. The most common causes of dementia are – Alzheimer’s disease – This is the most common cause of dementia. During the course of the disease, the chemistry and structure of the brain changes, leading to the death of brain cells. Vascular Dementia – If the oxygen supply to the brain fails, brain cells may die. The symptoms of vascular dementia can occur either suddenly, following  a stroke, or over time, through a series of small strokes. Dementia with Lewy Bodies – This form of dementia gets its name from tiny spherical structures that develop inside nerve cells. Their presence in the brain leads to the degeneration of brain tissue. Fronto–temporal Dementia – In fronto-temporal dementia, damage is usually focused in the front part of the brain. Personality and behaviour are initially more affected than memory. 3.2 Describe the likely signs and symptoms of the most common causes of dementia. Dementia is a collection of symptoms including memory loss, personality change, and impaired intellectual functions resulting from disease or trauma to the brain. These changes are not part of normal aging and are severe enough to impact daily living, independence, and relationships. With dementia, there will likely be noticeable decline in communication, learning, remembering, and problem solving. These changes may occur quickly or very slowly over time. The progression and outcome of dementia vary, but are largely determined by the type of dementia and which area of the brain is affected. Diagnosis is possible through advanced brain imaging, clinical examinations, and diagnostic testing. 3.3 Outline the risk factors for the most common causes of dementia. The greatest known risk factor for Alzheimer’s is advancing age. Most individuals with the disease are age 65 or older. The likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s doubles about every five years after age 65. After age 85, the risk reaches nearly 50 percent. One of the greatest mysteries of Alzheimer’s disease is why risk rises so dramatically as we grow older. Another strong risk factor is family history. Those who have a parent, brother, sister or children with Alzheimer’s are more likely to develop the disease. The risk increases if more than one family member has the illness. When diseases tend to run in families, either heredity (genetics) or environmental factors, or both, may play a role. In general, the risk factors for vascular dementia are the same as those for heart disease and  stroke. Risk factors for vascular dementia include: Increasing age. History of heart attack, stroke or mini strokes. Atherosclerosis. High cholesterol. High blood pressur e. Diabetes. Smoking and Atrial fibrillation. Although the cause of Lewy body dementia isn’t clear, several factors appear to increase the risk of developing the disease. They include: Being older than 60. Being male & having a family member with Lewy body dementia. Many degenerative neurological diseases do not have a strong genetic component, but Fronto–temporal Dementia is believed to be an exception, with a high familial component compared to other instances of dementia. Unlike in other forms of dementia, however, there are no nutritional deficiencies or other habits that increase the likelihood of developing Fronto–temporal Dementia. Instead, risk factors for developing Fronto–temporal Dementia include: Mutations in the MAPT and/or GRN genes of chromosome 17, a family history of Fronto–temporal Dementia. 3.4 Identify prevalence rates for different types of dementia. The Prevalence’s of Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, Parkinson’s disease dementia, and other dementias – Overall, 72% of the dementias were of Alzheimer type, 16% were vascular dementia, 6% were Parkinson’s disease dementia, and 5% were other dementias. 4.1 Describe how different individuals may experience living with dementia depending on age, type of dementia, and level of ability and disability. Dementia is not a disease but a set of symptoms which decreases the ability to think, memory and communication skills of human beings. It also declines the skills that needed to carry out daily activities. There are many causes of dementia. Few are :  · Alzheimer’s disease  · Vascular disease  · Lewy body disease  · Front temporal disorders  · Parkinson’s disease  · Depending on the form of dementia people’s ability and disability fluctuates. It is not necessarily to think that people with dementia are always forgetful. Like, people with Fronto-temporal dementia are very less forgetful than Alzheimer disease. Their memory remains intact but their personality and behaviour noticeably changes. Dementia with Lewy bodies interrupts the brain’s normal  functioning and affect the person’s memory, concentration and speech skills. It has similar symptoms to Parkinson’s disease such as tremors, slowness of movement and speech difficulties. People with vascular dementia may suffer from incontinence or seizure where other types of dementia may not affect those. However level of ability and disability depend on individual’s age and condition of dementia. People who are living with dementia in earlier age such as 60’s-70’s are less dependable than people living with dementia at the age or over 70’s or 80’s. People have different stamina in different ages. So, their ability and disability fluctuated and level of support are varied as well 4.2 Outline the impact that the attitudes and behaviour of others may have on an individual with dementia Dementia can have a big impact on a person’s behaviour. It can make them feel anxious, lost, confused and frustrated. Although each person with dementia handles these feelings in their own way, certain behaviour is common in people with the disease. This includes: †¢ repeating questions or carrying out an activity over and over again †¢ walking and pacing up and down †¢ Aggression, shouting and screaming †¢ becoming suspicious of other people If you are experiencing these behaviours, or are looking after someone who behaves in this way, it’s important to remember that this is an attempt to communicate how they’re feeling and that they are not being deliberately difficult. If you stay calm and work out why they’re expressing themselves in this way, you may be able to calm them down.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Prominent Leader

A Prominent National Leader Of My Country As an initiator of sweeping reforms, Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad stands head and shoulders above his predecessors. The winds of change brought about by this tough leader have touched every aspect of Malaysian life, economic, social, political and cultural. Born in Alor Star on 20th December 1925, Dr Mahathir received is early education in Maktab Sultan Abdul Hamid. After completing his secondary education, he took up medicine at the King Edward VII College of Medicine in the University of Singapore and graduated with an MBBS degree in medicine.Even in his student days, Dr Mahathir was an active UMNO member. In 1964, he became the Member of Parliament for Alor Star and this marked his entry into the political arena. He held a member of portfolios before becoming the Prime Minister. Among them were his appointment as the Minister of Education and as the Minister of Trade and Industry. After a short period as the Deputy Prime Minister, he finally to ok over the reins of the government on 16th July 1981. During his contract as the premier, the country has undergone a complete transformation.Upon taking office as Prime Minister, he restored the whole political machinery to make it more dynamic and effective. The most notable achievement in the political arena is the corporatization of government agencies to cut the government’s operation costs and to generate more revenue. Among the many policies he has introduced is the Look East Policy, where Malaysian were urged to emulate the work ethics of the success oriented Japanese and Koreans. A realistic leader, Dr Mahathir imagined that Malaysia could attain the status of a developed nation only if there was a switch from the agriculture-based economy to an industrial one.In 1991, he announced his most ambitious vision, the Vision 2020 as a roadmap to a fully developed country. The Mahathir era is marked with numerous notable achievements. The introduction of the countryâ€℠¢s first national car, the Proton Saga followed by the Perodua Kancil; the building of a new airport in Sepang, reputedly the largest in the Asia Pacific region; the building of the Formula One racing circuit and the building of the Petronas Twin Towers the tallest buildings in the world from 1998 to 2004 until surpassed by Taipei 101, but remain the tallest twin buildings in the world. are al feather in his cap of success. In 1999, the government moved to the new administrative capital, Putrajaya. In the international arena too, Dr Mahathir has left his mark. Open and outspoken by nature, his strong attack on the imcompetence and inaction of world bodies have won him both international praise as well as criticism. Tun Dr. Mahathir stepped down as Prime Minister on 31 October, 2003. Dr. Mahathir has done the nation proud and there is no doubt that he will go down in the annals of Malaysian history as the Father of Modernization.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Heroes and Anti

Heroes and Anti The inclusion of a hero and an anti-hero is common in many stories. A hero is usually showcased in films and books as the quiet antagonist who saves the day while an anti-hero is usually the protagonist who is driven mainly by personal desires and almost succeeds in his or her goals but is stopped by the hero.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Heroes and Anti-heroes specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As noted by Bonnet (2006), the anti-hero is sometimes depicted as the careless one with little regard for life, including his or her own, as long as the end goal is achieved. By examination of Tyler Durden in the â€Å"Fight club† and Clint Eastwood (Blondie) in â€Å"The good the bad and the ugly,† it can be noted that the heroes and anti-heroes are depicted in a similar yet unique manner In â€Å"The good, the bad and the ugly,† Blondie is portrayed as character that is not afraid to fight for what he believes in. A good example of this is shown in the scene where he capture’s Tuco, who is a wanted criminal, hands him to the authorities for a cash reward and then proceeds to set him free just before he (Tuco) is hanged for his crimes. They then afterwards share the reward money. After the first rescue, the two seem to form an alliance in which Blondie would be handing over to authorities and rescuing him just before he is hanged. Their arrangement falls apart when Tuco demands a larger share of the cash in one of the rescue plots to which Blondie disagrees and keeps all the cash claiming that Tuco had already received his reward in terms of being rescued from the hangman’s noose. This of cause marks the end of their arrangement and Tuco promises to make Blondie pay for his greed. On the other hand, looking at Tyler Durden in the â€Å"Fight club† is also depicted as an aggressive character that is not afraid of getting into fights. This is shown when he meets the narrator of the story and after some form of disagreement, they decide to solve their problem by fighting each other. From the novel, it is apparent that the two (Tyler and the narrator) love engaging in fights and as such, they start a fight club in their basement where men would beat each other senseless often leaving one another black-eyed, with broken arms and legs, and without teeth, among other injuries. The two stories thus show the heroes as aggressive characters who are not scared of confrontations. Heroes are also normally portrayed as caring individuals just as Tyler is of Marla Singer. Even through Tyler has a very destructive side he seems to care about Marla to an extent that he hides most of his negative activities from her to protect her feelings. For instance, Tyler hides the fact that he has a fight club in his basement because he does not want her to be affected by the bloody activities that characterize fights at the basement.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Blondie is not so caring given in that he only rescues criminals for money. His uncaring nature is also shown at the end of the movie when he leaves Tuco in a precarious position with a noose around his neck, only sets him free from the noose after he (Tuco) almost fell of the cross. He however seems to care about Tuco when he equally shares the 200,000 USD they found hidden in a grave, despite almost being killed by Tuco earlier in the movie. Even though Tyler and Blondie are the heroes in their respective stories, their acts are not always good and they, in more than one occasion engage in dubious activities in which they are mostly successful (Hell, 2007). Tyler is runs a successful business in which people pay to watch ugly, almost fatal fights while Blondie gets his money from conning people and authorities. Blondie is shown as cooperating with Tuco to steal from auth orities and saves Tuco from the hangman’s noose despite the many evils that (Tuco) has committed against innocent people. One would have expected a hero to help the society punish criminals. Tyler also steals from both individuals and big companies, sometimes even causing them to be bankrupt. Moreover, the two heroes portray conmen and lying characteristics as shown by Tyler’s when he lies to Marla about the existence of the fight club while Blondie cons Tuco of the money they were to share after their dubious arrangement. Blondie also cons several authorities by first handing Tuco to them and after being paid, he sets him free and they plot to play the same con game in a different local authority. The anti-heroes (Tuco and the narrator) in both stories are shown as fighting the heroes’ efforts but they are also shown to cooperate with the heroes in more than one occasion in situations where they share a common interest. Tyler and the narrator end up owning a fi ght club together while Blondie and Tuco co-operate to eliminate Angel Eyes so they can share the hidden treasure. Instead of the hero emerging as the good one and the winner, both stories end with a win-win situation for both the hero and the anti-hero. In conclusion, while it is expected that the hero would always perform good deeds while the anti-hero evil deeds, this does not always happen in both stories. The â€Å"Fight Club† and â€Å"The good, the bad and the ugly† depict the heroes and anti-heroes in a unique way different from what would have been expected of the characters just as shown by the few examples in this essay. References Bonnet, J. (2006). Stealing fire from the gods: the complete guide to story for writers and filmmakers. New York: Michael Wiese Productions.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Heroes and Anti-heroes specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hell, J.(2007). Fight Club A Model of a Social Revolution. Munich: GRIN Verlag.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 32

Journal - Essay Example The way an individual interprets his/her existence and the different formation phases actually impacts his outlook towards the entire world in addition to the decision making styles, key interests, social activities and the overall attitude. For instance, if a person believes that everything in the universe came by itself, then such an individual will most probably project a careless attitude towards the world and people around him. I personally believe that the whole mankind and everything that resides in the universe cannot come into existence by mere chance or through big bang. Moreover, such a concept is actually the rejection of complex scientific theories. For instance, consider Newton and the law of gravity. Newton initially realized that nothing can move without a preexisting force and later he figured out that the downward movement of an apple was caused by the earth’s gravitational force. When a simple fruit cannot fall on the earth without a gravitational force then how can the entire universe be formed without a preexisting power. This substantiates the fact that in order to create something there has to be a preexisting force which causes the later events. Same is my belief that the world did not came into being all by itself, rather some already existing power caused this massive creation. Although the modern world has failed to recognize the supreme authority of the universe but I believe that someone has built this world and therefore the mankind unquestionably comes under His control which actually makes people accountable for their wrong deeds. All such believes about a preexisting force leads towards the concept of God. When initially God created us, He also gave us the direction towards living a successful and peaceful life and therefore He sent different Prophets in different era. Hence as human being one should lead the life prescribed by God through Prophets and the Holy

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Market Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Market Research - Essay Example The paper has been linked to the various literatures that have been provided in the past and this provides a basis for the entire paper. Various aspects like the scaling methods, the data collection methods, and also the data analysis methods have also been discussed herewith in. Conducting a quantitative research is very beneficial as it allows the researcher to gain a better view of its customers and enables the company to improve its services based on these feedbacks that are gained. The market research attempts to find answer to the following questions: a) What is the relative importance of various factors that customer expect from their hotel stay? b) What is the level of customer satisfaction towards their hotel stay in the chosen hotels? Based on the literature analysis of similar studies in the past, the researcher has identified some of the factors that seem to be important as expectations from the customer. Hence the information that is required at this stage of the research is the customer’s views on the following elements of the business: For the company to be able to attain this information there are a few methods that the hotels can adopt. The methodology used to conduct the research is referred to as the ‘research methodology’. There are a number of different approaches that are available for research methods. The research approaches used in the study comprises a mixture of both the â€Å"phenomenological paradigm† which is also referred to as a â€Å"qualitative† approach, and the â€Å"positivistic paradigm† also known as the â€Å"quantitative† approach (Collis & Hussey, 2003, p. 47). With the positivistic paradigm, the emphasis is on using measurement to find out the relationships between facts and causes of the phenomenon. This is â€Å"an essential element of the research process under this paradigm† (Collis & Hussey, 2003, p. 57). This